About Kate Rose

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Links posted on Facebook are about to get messier…. here’s how to fix them

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Facebook’s Custom Link modification function is about to go away.
If you’re creating Facebook content which includes a link, and suddenly find that the options to edit the automatically generated preview

Marketing Metrics and Madness: be careful what you wish for

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Despite the huge improvements in metrics available to us these days (for digital marketing, at least) the old adage about “50% of your marketing budget is wasted; you’ll just never

On not wasting your marketing budget: the devil’s in the detail

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There are two things that make working with social media (and marketing in general!) so interesting and challenging. The first is that “social media” looks completely different for almost every

Facebook in 2017 – Social Media or Advertising Platform?

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Just a quick note today on an interesting conversation we had with a new client recently. We were helping them put together a strategy for their startup business, and really

    UK Social Media Statistics for 2017

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    Note: This article has now been updated for 2018, here: UK Social Media Statistics for 2018
    UK Social Media Statistics for 2017
    The tree is down and the tinsel is wilting, so