About Kate Rose

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Virtual Reality and your corner shop: marketing lessons from the Pokemon Go craze

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Pokemon Go is the latest technology sensation, with the Web awash with stories of record downloads and obsessive players.

It’s the first mainstream example of integrating the “real world” with a

    A reminder: Social Media is not a “marketing tool”!

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    There’s no let up: the “10 ways to get 20,000 Instagram followers” articles are replacing the same ones for Twitter, advocating similar techniques. A whole new batch of small business

      Case Study: Twitter advertising for a small business

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      Can you get clear results from Twitter advertising if you’re a small business? You certainly can, but that’s not to say you definitely will. We’ve been working with Twitter advertising

      When is a Twitter hack not a Twitter hack?

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      Just a quick one today on the lessons to be learned from this week’s reports on Jeremy Corbyn’s “hacked” twitter account.

      As ever, the media were quick to throw around terms

        UK Social Media Statistics for 2016

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        NOTE – This post has been updated for 2017, find it here: UK Social Media Statistics for 2017

        It’s that time again! Welcome to our fifth (yikes!) annual roundup of all