What the latest Facebook news feed changes mean for your business

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Another day, another Facebook tweak! Last week, Facebook announced a number of changes to the way that the Newsfeed works. This time, it won’t look any different; but the coding

Uh yes, you WILL be providing customer service on Facebook

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“But, Facebook’s not a customer service channel for us…”
What was your primary reason for being on Facebook? For most organisations, it’s all about visibility and reach – selling more, and

Wow your B2B prospects with social selling

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Every private sector organisation has to sell, in some form, if they’re going to survive. Business to business selling can be one of the most complex and subtle processes around,

Managing your social media efficiently

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…Or, How Not To Let Twitter Steal Your Day.
We’ve all done it, right? Arrived in the office with great intentions to power through the “to do” list, but done just

Integrating social media and your website

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Your social media presence is an integral part of how your company presents itself online. So, if you have anything more than the most passing of relationships with a client