Are you begging for a bad social media provider?

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This article is pretty much guaranteed to come off a little rant-like, but we have your best interests at heart here, so please bear with us.

There’s a huge problem afflicting

Promotions on Facebook – how not to get your page deleted and lose your fans!

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When Facebook Promotions go bad
Running promotions on Facebook is one of the key strategies many businesses use to attract new Likers to their pages, and to increase the amount of

How to use Twitter for a business

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Why use Twitter for business?
The UK user base for Twitter is growing every day. Every time you see one of the huge Saturday night TV shows (X Factor, The Voice,

Pinterest success for service companies: an experiment

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A couple of weeks back, we wrote about Pinterest and how to decide if it’s right for your business. One of the issues we mentioned was that Pinterest is a

5 reasons social media isn’t working for you – and how to fix them

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Disappointment. Not a word anyone usually wants to hear in a business meeting, but music to our ears.

The theme of this last week’s work with some new clients has been