Facebook Timeline for Business Pages – what the changes mean

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So we all thought it was coming, but a week ago at Facebook’s fmc2012 event, they introduced Timeline format pages for Businesses.

Having had time to review the implications, it’s a

Who’s using Twitter, where and what for? Latest 2012 stats

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Great new infographic from Infographic labs – with some nice info about what makes people ReTweet. Interesting that incentives come only slightly above retweet requests – so if in doubt,

Got your website sorted? Now you need some visitors…

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Great social media and great Google rankings often go hand in hand. We know that lots of our clients, the workings of search engines and what Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

LinkedIn – How to find the conversations your business must be involved in

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This week, we’ve been attending Social Media Week London – a fantastic biannual week of free events and seminars on all things social media and online marketing related. One of

Facebook Timeline privacy settings – the check you STILL need to make

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NOTE: as of today (31st January 2012), the below is only of concern if you’ve upgraded your personal Facebook profile to the new “Timeline” format. If you haven’t (or Facebook hasn’t yet done it for you, as it will do eventually), you need to come back and check your privacy is intact AFTER the change :)

Reading through today’s social media news, I came across an article just published on the Guardian’s website, asking “What if your Facebook Timeline was read instead of your CV?”. Not a huge concern to me personally, I tend not to post anything hugely personal and / or incriminating on Facebook, plus I was pretty sure I was on top of my privacy settings. But the mention of changes around the introduction of the Timeline format gave me a nagging doubt, so I thought i’d revisit my settings and just, y’know, double check.