Snickers, McDonalds and LA Fitness: roundup for week ending 27 January 2012

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This week’s social media roundup is inadvertently brought to you courtesy of some big brand names, whose ill-advised marketing and PR gambits have kept Twitter busy all week.
Eat our chocolate

Web 2.0 one, Google (and Sky) nil

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Service fail, web win
Earlier this week, I needed to cancel our Sky subscription. I’d heard on the grapevine to expect Sky not to make it easy for me, and I

Social media roundup – week ending 20 Jan 2012

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Welcome to our regular round up of the week’s most important online marketing and social media news and content for SME marketers.
Social media news
This week’s biggest story has been SOPA

Training in social media – how to find the best for you

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The UK social media training market
The phrase “social media training” covers a huge range of requirements and abilities. If you’re looking to accelerate your use of social media for your

Social media roundup – week ending 13th Jan 2012

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Welcome to our regular round up of the week’s most important online marketing and social media content for SME marketers.

Here’s what you might have missed this week…

The latest social media