Uh yes, you WILL be providing customer service on Facebook
“But, Facebook’s not a customer service channel for us…”
What was your primary reason for being on Facebook? For most organisations, it’s all about visibility and reach – selling more, and
“But, Facebook’s not a customer service channel for us…”
What was your primary reason for being on Facebook? For most organisations, it’s all about visibility and reach – selling more, and
Almost every client we work with raises the question, at some point, of how frequently they “should” be tweeting, posting to Facebook or updating their other social networks.
It’s another of
This post is coming to you courtesy of inspiration from the funniest and most feared (by marketers) page on Facebook – Condescending Corporate Brand Page.
They do a great job of
Twitter followers and Facebook Likers for sale?
The thriving underground economy around buying Twitter followers and Facebook Likers was highlighted recently during the US elections, when Mitt Romney’s Twitter base expanded
All those handy “timesaving” tools for managing your social presence, which let you blast out the same old content, sometimes repeatedly, across all the social networks you use, are as