Can I replace my business website with a Facebook page?

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There have been a few articles around recently (most notably from Stephen Haines at Facebook, but other social media “gurus” suggesting similar things) claiming that in the future, companies will

What’s your personal social media policy?

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“Another day, another Facebook request from someone I’ve never met.”

We’ve had some interesting discussions recently with people about how they use the different social media sites, ranging from friends and

Five ways to make the most of the new Facebook Business page

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Everyone who is an Admin of a Business Page on Facebook received a surprise email last week, announcing a significant upgrade to the page format. Currently the upgrade is optional,

Is your Facebook Business Page legitimate?!

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Something we’ve been seeing a lot of lately is businesses who’ve obviously put significant work and effort into developing a Facebook presence, but sadly without checking out the rules of

Inspirational Social Media Campaigns from the last year

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I have just read a great blog and thought I would pass it on in order to inspire others. Here, Matt Rednor, Senior Strategist at Mr Youth takes us through