All things Social Media
Social media marketing: What Use is Social Media, Part One
Many businesses who could really benefit from getting involved with social media are put off by the hype and vagueness around what Social Media is and does. Over the next
Facebook in the UK: what you need to know
It’s relatively tricky finding UK-specific information about social media stats and trends, but Experian Hitwise is an excellent source and recently released some very interesting findings around UK usage of
If Barack’s doing it ….
There are a number of scary things to consider when you enter the world of social media, and it’s enough to bring on an attack of shyness in the best
Are you nice to know?
Kate says…
Reading a summary of Twitter etiquette yesterday got me thinking about politeness in business – one of my personal soap boxes, as it happens. Courtesy really does cost nothing
Tweet your way to great customer service
The real-time nature of Twitter can offer a great opportunity to surprise and delight your customers. There’s an example here of exactly that – in brief, Mike tweets about a